Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mama #1 Cheated on Us!

Don't piss off a Diva. If you do, you are in deep, deep trouble. And I am mad at Mama #1 and My Martha.
Mama #1 left on Friday and just returned home a little while ago. I was happy to see her. I really, really was. I lost myself in the moment and jumped up and down and all around. I forgot I was mad at her for deserting me for two days.
Suddenly, I smelled something (or someone) strange on her clothes. I left her pick me up so that I could get a clear picture of who she'd been with. As I sniffed, something in my memory clicked and I clearly saw a large, furry, white and black dog. Mama cheated on me with another other dog!
The "other" dog, Maddie Bell
As a pup, I briefly visited the "other" dog's house on my way to my own house. The people there were nice, but I was oh, so tired and sleepy. I don't remember meeting the "other" dog, but I did sniff her food bowl.
Why would Mama #1 go and visit this other dog? Did she need to get away from me and my sisters for awhile?
 And, if this isn't bad enough, My Martha (!) also cheated on us and went to see another dog too. She was gone for a whole week!

The other "other" dog, Martha Berry
For now, your Diva is speechless. Both Mama #1 and My Martha made excuses for their behaviors; both said they were not off cheating on me with other dogs. They were visiting "relatives." Mama #1 claims she visited her Dad and My Martha claims that I am an Aunt and she was visiting Peggy (whom I remember fondly from my pup days) and my new nephew. 
This is all too much to take in at once. Other dog relatives. (I think they were both adopted, they look nothing like Me, Maggie or Harley). 
I think I need to check this out sometime. Mattie Bell and Martha Berry, watch out! I'm coming to see you and you'd better not take my Mamas or My Martha away from me ever again!
(OK, maybe my feelings are hurt just a little bit, too....)

1 comment:

  1. I knew I was taking an awful chance going to visit Charley Ford, but that's where Martha Berry lives! There wasn't much I could do.

    Did you know that Maddie Bell Cheek BIT me one time?! She DID! So I know for a fact that Mamma #1 wasn't cheating on you with her.

